We’ve been working with a realtor for the last few weeks, who happens to be our next door neighbor and one of my best friends. We went to close on a house with her yesterday, and she was drinking a Dr. Pepper when we arrived. She tried to hide it behind her hand while she finished it, because she knew I and my husband are pretty healthy eaters, and she was embarrassed/ashamed. I didn’t want her to be.
I also didn’t want her to be drinking a Dr. Pepper, but mostly I just wanted her to NOT BE ASHAMED. I wanted to tell her to make her own choices, based on being educated, and then to OWN THOSE CHOICES.
90/10 Nutrition takes it upon itself to educate those looking to be educated. We identify those foods which are good to eat (green tier) or not good to eat (red tier), or somewhere in the middle (yellow tier). Not knowing is just not an option if you’re following 9010. We have it written down in tiers, and we have 3 coaches at the ready to answer your questions. If you’re a member of 9010, and you’re eating red tier, it’s not because you don’t know, or because you don’t know how to know.
The Point
I think the point here is to OWN your decisions, no matter what they are.
If you choose red tier on a regular basis, that is YOUR choice–so own it. You have your reasons. If your reasons are sufficient to you, then it doesn’t matter what anyone else thinks.
If you choose red tier once in awhile, that is YOUR choice–so own it.
If you refuse red tier all the time, never apologize for that. That is your choice. Own it.
No matter what, remember that you and you alone are in charge of your own decisions. We, in 90/10, will never judge you or shame you. We are too busy judging ourselves! 😉

Comments (7)
This is probably the best advice I have ever read about the struggles of weight loss. I need to own my bad decisions and move on when they happen! Thank you Heidi! I’m printing this and posting it so I can be reminded how I do on this journey is MY choice!
Jamie, you’re so welcome! It took me a long time to learn to be responsible for my own decisions when it comes to food!
This is an important message. It’s so much time that gets wasted. You have to move forward. I ok not look back to see what could I do different and own that I may have to keep trying.
I never even thought about how much TIME is wasted! Good point!
This was a much needed article for me. I’ve always been the one that used to “hide” the unhealthy choices because I felt guilty. Thank you for this!!
The idea of owning my decisions has been liberating. I can make my own decisions and it’s ok, whatever they are.
Just need to be prepared for the consequences whether good good or not so good.
Love this! Tired of beating myself up over bad food choices. Once I decided to own those, I made less of them (so far, lol).