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How To Choose The Right Bread

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DISCLAIMER:  This article may contain affiliate links and we may earn a small commission if you purchase through one of our affiliate links.  We only recommend products we love.

Choosing healthy bread can be difficult.  Some programs don’t even allow it at all.

If you have been following 90/10 for a while, you know how the system works with the tiers and ingredients.  For those of you that are new to 90/10, here’s a REALLY quick overview of how it works (you can find out more about how it works in our Academy HERE).


Eat 90% (or more) of your daily food intake from foods that are on our Green Tier.

Eat 10% (or less) of your daily food intake from foods that are on our Yellow Tier.

Eat 0% (except planned special occasions) of your daily food intake from foods that are on our Red Tier.

All we do is look at the INGREDIENTS LIST on the back of foods and compare them to the tiers.  It’s really simple.  Of course, some foods don’t have an ingredients list because they ARE ingredients (chicken, broccoli, egg, etc).  But, if they do have an ingredients list, we just compare to the tiers.  It’s straightforward and it works!

However, there are one or two things that don’t work well with the tier system that we have special rules for and bread is one of them.


Bread doesn’t follow the normal ingredients rules because bread requires some form of sugar.  The sugar isn’t usually there to make the bread sweet like it is in other foods.  It’s not hidden sugar or sugar that replaces fat.  It’s there because the yeast needs sugar to feed on in the baking process. The bread can’t rise without the yeast breaking down the starches and sugars and creating carbon dioxide.

Some breads use sugar from fruit juice or honey.  Others use high fructose corn syrup.  Others use cane sugar.

So, how do we choose bread in 90/10?



Comments (8)

  1. Thank you for this! I rarely buy bread, but when i do I just get the same Dave’s bread because I know it’s green tier. Now I have options 🙂

  2. Thank you for this! I rarely buy bread, but when i do I just get the same Dave’s bread because I know it’s green tier. 🙂 Now I have options

  3. Bread is a hard one. I rarely eat bread and my tummy feels yuck after I do, maybe because previously I’ve bought bread with all the wrong ingredients!

    1. It’s possible for sure! Some people are definitely just sensitive to gluten in general but not as many as I think some want us to believe.

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