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Pasta (100% Whole Grain)

100% Whole Grain Pasta is green tier.  Make sure it is 100% whole grain and not just part whole grain (non whole grain pasta is yellow tier).  You can tell if it is whole in the ingredients if the grains…

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Oats are green tier.  This includes rolled or steel cut or any whole oats.  This entry refers only to the grain, so you still have to check ingredients on any oat products such as instant oatmeal packages.  Here is a…

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Whole Grains

All whole grains are green tier.  This includes such grains as amaranth, farro, oats, barley, buckwheat, rye, millet, and spelt. Check out the Whole Grain Bread recipes we have! Whole Grains

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Corn is green tier.  Of course, this doesn't include all corn derived products like corn syrup.  This green tier entry refers to the grain itself in its whole form (such as corn on the cob, frozen corn in recipes, etc)…

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Beans are green tier. This includes essentially all types of beans such as black, cannellini, chickpeas, great northern beans, kidney beans, lima beans, pinto beans, and more. It also includes canned beans as long as you check ingredients and make…

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